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The Sexy Politico talks about Fertility Awareness/Natural Family Planning with Dr Emily Kirkwold
This week I spoke with Dr. Emily Kirkwold. Dr. Kirkwold discusses Natural Family Planning or Fertility awareness for those who want to learn more about their bodies. Why aren’t women taught how their cycle works and what being fertile looks like? Dr. Kirkwold gives excellent recommendations for women learning more about their bodies.
Apps that Emily Recommends
1: Kindara
2: FEMM (don’t have to use the FEMM method to use it; gives you options for if you are tracking to avoid pregnancy, achieve pregnancy, or monitoring health)
Emily highly recommends this website to learn more about different fertility awareness methods: https://www.factsaboutfertility.org/what-is-charting/
Books Emily recommends for those who want to read more about the evidence on how birth control affects our bodies (including our mental health):
“Sweetening the Pill” by Holly Grigg-Spall (https://www.amazon.com/Sweetening-Pill-Hooked-Hormonal-Control/dp/1780996071)
“This is Your Brain on Birth Control” by Sarah E. Hill (https://www.amazon.com/This-Your-Brain-Birth-Control-ebook/dp/B07MYLLP21)
Emily has an online course called “Unlock Your Cycle” that teaches women and girls to track their cycle (track cervical fluid).
Emily has graciously created a discount code for listeners of The Sexy Politico.
Unlock Your Cycle online course: https://www.unlockyourmenstrualcycle.com/
Use discount code “SEXYPOLITICO” for 40% off!
Emily’s Homepage: www.nfppharmacist.com
Emily’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_zK82chi-cOIa9rvLMX3eQ
Emily’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emilyrunsonpassion
Emily’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nfppharmacist
Emily’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nfppharmacist/
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