I don’t know readers if you realize another big problem that states and local municipalities are facing at this time. They are facing a lack of poll workers on Election Day and for early voting in person.
While many of us are choosing for vote early many do not feel comfortable doing so. And that is OK. Every person has the right vote in what ever manner they feel comfortable doing so. Poll workers are the people that make that happen.
If you have voted in person before you would know poll workers are the people who give you your ballot, help you if you need it, and in general make the whole operation run smoothly.
Every state needs more poll workers. The majority of poll workers are people would would be put off from being poll workers due to the coronavirus.
I am voting early by mail and will be a poll worker in my state. And in my state being a poll worker is a paid position, although I do not believe that is true in every state. If you have the time, I would highly encourage you to volunteer/apply to be a poll worker. Just google “how to be a poll worker or election judge in (whatever state you live in).” If you have any questions leave them in the comments down below.