Yesterday enough votes came in and Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election by all of the major news networks. My husband and I drank a small glass of wine, but we aren’t popping any champaign yet.
This administration has been weird. President Trump has done so many things that pundit and others said a president would never do. Also we live in unpresicdented times.
I am waiting to celebrate on December 14th. While I am not a huge fan of the Electoral College, their vote, and the certification of their vote, is the true ending of this presidential election. Once the Electoral College Votes are counted we will have our next president. The House and Senate hold a joint session of Congress to certify the election on January 3rd.
The lawsuits will be over. I know there will still be complaining, but it is done. That is when I will celebrate when this presidential election is done. Then I can focus my attention elsewhere.