The new HBO series Silicon Valley, a glamorized, off-beat comedic exploration of the latest computer-based gold rush, opens with a TEDTalk by billionaire...
Earlier this year, a number of media outlets trumpeted the latest breakthrough in dietary science: “Eat dark chocolate daily to lose weight!”...
As an avian flu infection continues to rip through the Northern Midwest, the price of eggs will steadily rise. The epidemic started in...
Science isn’t science without mistakes, which hopefully we learn from as we push forward in our respective fields. But just recently United...
Formidable actor Robert De Niro delivered what is likely to be billed the most honest commencement speech of all time last...
As we continue the saga, from what was, to be honest, Edward Snowden to Rand Paul’s filibuster, we as Americans have reached a point where...
After 10 1/2 hours Rand Paul yielded the floor of the Senate. While some debate whether or not it was a true...
Rand Paul, presidential candidate, and Senator from Kentucky is in his seventh hour of filibustering on the Senate floor. He is filibustering...
About a month ago, I was invited to enjoy a meal at what is arguably the finest dining room in my area. While...
Stem cell research has been a controversial topic since its conception–and understandably so. On one hand, we have a technology that could...