Step into the dark realm of true crime as Jackie, the charismatic host of “Sexy Politico,” engages in a riveting conversation with...
The Covid crisis had a devastating impact on Hollywood. Productions stopped or slowed down. Movie studios, television networks, streamers, and other producers...
In Federalist #10, James Madison defines a faction as a group of individuals who have a common interest that may be adverse...
The lifetime appointment of federal judges has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that it allows judges to remain independent and...
The Sexy Politico podcast is excited to share our latest interview with Paul Johnson, the founder of The Optimistic American. In this...
The COVID-19 pandemic influenced us as a nation in ways we haven’t seen before and strikingly on freedom, order, and equality. What...
To be an effective persuader, a president must possess strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to empathize with the public....
Federalism during a pandemic has some significant benefits and drawbacks. One of the major benefits was the ability of individual states to...
Following the resignation of Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, Julie Su became Acting Secretary of Labor on March 11, 2023. In nominating...
Welcome to The Sexy Politico podcast! In this episode, we sit down with Tamara Young, the host of The Recovering Liberal Podcast,...