I want to talk about one of the advertisements. GoldieBlox competed in a contest run by Intuit that paid for a 30-second Superbowl commercial. It cost Intuit, according to Forbes, roughly 4 million dollars. We all know that the Superbowl is one of the most-watched television specials in the United States, so paying for a small business to have a Superbowl advertisement is impressive. I quickly noticed that advertisement when I watched the Superbowl, mainly because it wasn’t one of the many beer and car commercials. I am glad to see that a company like GoldieBlox can get off the ground and that they were able to create a controversy-free advert. They used Quiet Riot’s Cum on Feel the Noise instead of the Beastie Boys song Girls. It will take a little more time to see if this ad equates to sales, but I and the rest of the world saw it. I am sure it will do nothing but good for a brand that is genuinely looking to do something good for girls.