As a loyal Blazers fan, I was extremely pleased to hear that a player from my favorite basketball team won the 2015-2016 Kia’s Most Improved Player’s Award, an award that is offered to an upcoming NBA player who has shown a dramatic improvement from the previous seasons.
CJ McCollum went from averaging 6 points to 20.8 points a game, 14 points more in just a single year. He has also scored in double digits in 79 of the 80 games he played this season.
McCollum gave a heartfelt speech as he spoke about overcoming adversity on his journey to being the most improved.
Key Things To Take From His Speech:
Always Have Confidence In Yourself
If you are unsure of what you bring, others will too. You must believe in yourself to set the tone for others to believe with you.
Speak What You Believe
He mentioned how in high school he was 5’7″ and played on the junior varsity basketball team yet told everyone he was going to the NBA. Everybody laughed as they didn’t believe him but look where he stands today, as Kia’s Most Improved Player, a huge accomplishment!
Never let anyone dull your dreams.
Be Nice, Include All
As he was giving his speech, McCollum did his best to thank everyone close to him and attending, looking for only the positive and wanting to be inclusive of all.
This shows great character as he ensures to include all while embracing their good attributes.
Patience Is Key
Sometimes what you want doesn’t happen immediately, it may be because there’s still some things to be acquired and learned.
Again, displaying good character, CJ McCollum talks about how every player in the NBA is great but sometimes it’s circumstances holding them back from displaying their true potential.
This may be true to your life too. Circumstances can be limiting, but with patience, eventually an opportunity will come along to allow you to display just how good you really are.
Continue to prepare so you can shine when it’s your time.
Your Start Isn’t Your Finish
While he came drafted into the NBA injury prone and didn’t get to play much, this is not how he continued to be. The way you start doesn’t have to be the way you finish. Ultimately, you decide that, with hard work, everything can be conquered.
This season McCollum was practically injury free as he only sat out a total of two games.
It’s Okay To Cry In Front Of Others
Many believe that showing any form of emotion is weakness, especially for men, but it actually shows that you’re human, you’re relatable, you’re overcome by emotion (in his case proud and overwhelmed by the love for his brother) and that you don’t try to hide who you are.
Nothing is more touching than a person that is unapologetically themselves embracing everything that they give.
Everything in life has something to teach, thank you CJ McCollum for these beautiful lessons.
Congratulations, CJ!