A few people have asked how the Corona Virus affects the 2020 primary. I live in the DC Metropolitan area. With the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) my husband is home from work. The CDC doesn’t want gatherings of more than 50 people. How will the Corona Virus effect the 2020 democratic primary?
The March 15th debate was still held, in an empty auditorium. Bernie Sanders questioned whether or not we should still hold primaries.
Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio have all stated that their elections will take place, and the states have set out mandates about hygiene and moving polling places away from assisted living facilities.
Georgia’s primary has been moved to May 19th.
Puerto Rico’s primary will likely be postponed.
Lousiana’s primary has been postponed until June 20th.
Alaska and Hawaii are encouraging mail-in voting but have not cancelled in-person voting.
Wyoming’s caucus has cancelled the in-person portion, and are being asked to vote by mail.
Wisconson is encouraging mail-in voting and early voting. They are also automatically sending those who live in assisted care facilities absentee ballots automatically.
Conneticut’s primary is going on unchanged, but allowing anyone to vote abesntee.
Deleware is encouraging absentee voting, but not changing any regulations.
Maryland is reviewing its options.
New York is debating changing its primary date.
Pennsylvania and Rhode Island are reminding everyone of their mail-in voting options.
Remember to vote. Look on your state’s voter’s websites for information on voting absentee if you are sick or afraid of any crowd. Please stay safe and wash your hands.