Pete Seeger’s 1967 song, ‘Waist Deep In The Big Muddy’, tells the story of a platoon on night maneuvers. The captain tells...
Indiana-born James Danforth Quayle’s meteoric political career began when he was elected to Congress in 1976 at age 29. He was elected...
Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have been battling over who can be the most authoritarian candidate for the...
On February 4, 2023, the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon in American airspace. Shortly afterward, the military destroyed three...
Republicans refuse to address firearms crimes by banning assault weapons or enacting other firearms crime mitigation efforts. Since common sense firearms safety...
Now that Trump has ‘jumped the shark’ regarding bigotry and advocating the termination of the Constitution, only the most extreme of his...
Ex-President Trump recently had dinner with a Holocaust-denying white supremacist. Political commentators ask if Trump will apologize. Of course, he won’t. The...
Inflation is not a new problem. Past presidents have dealt with it in different ways. The United States was facing a terrible...
Inflation is not a new problem. Past presidents have dealt with it in different ways. President Nixon, facing re-election in 1972, feared...
“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” William Shakespeare Barry Goldwater was a...