Recently political operatives who have been convicted of criminal acts have portrayed themselves as victims of political trials. – Following his presidential...
Commenting on the dismissals of Lutenient Colonel Alexander Vindman and Lutenient Colonel Yevgeny Vindman, National security adviser Robert O’Brien said “We’re not...
What are caucuses? My husband asked me this when the strangeness of this year’s Iowa primary unfolded. The United States Constitution gives...
Since 2004 and the Nipplegate incident of that halftime show, people ask if the Super Bowl halftime show is too sexy. Well,...
Dear Vanessa, I know you do don’t know me and I don’t know you but I would like to apologise for the...
In the 1960s the Chicago Tribune printed a political cartoon of the Democratic donkey with a noose around his neck, holding a...
The Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam has announced sweeping gun control measures. In turn, the Virginia State legislature has proposed seven new...
Yesterday I got my cold and sore self on the metro and made my way into DC for the 4th annual Women’s...
At around 5:30 pm DC time Nancy Pelosi signed the Articles of Impeachment and the seven Impeachment Managers officially delivered them to...
On Thursday, January 9th, while conducting routine operations in the North Arabian Sea, USS Farragut (DDG 99) was aggressively approached by a...