I woke up with a heavy heart after seeing two back-to-back articles of immigrants dying as they left their troubled homelands in search of a better life.
One particular truck that arrived to Austria from Hungary had 71 dead bodies. The bodies were crammed in the back and have been said to be dead for one and a half to two days. The death toll includes 4 children, one just a year old.
The migrants are believed to be Syrian and likely paid a lot of money for illegal transfer into Europe. It is stated that there is no ventilation possible from the sides of the truck so the cause of death is most likely suffocation.
It’s heartbreaking to know that some parts of the world are so bad that people are putting their hard worked earnings into leaving their troubled country via a cramped truck with seventy others. It’s so hard imagining that for days at a time, a truck would fit that many people together, people who are starving, scared and dehydrated.
While that news alone was heavy enough, another article showed yet more deaths of two Libyan boats sinking with migrants. While one hundred and ninety-eight people were rescued, eighty-two bodies were found and another hundred are still missing. It’s likely that many died as the boats sank.
According to the UN, 2400 people have died trying to cross the Mediterranean into Europe this year. In addition, 100,000 have made it into Italy and another 100,000 made it to Greece (BBC). Last month alone, 107,500 crossed over, setting a record for crossings in a single month (BBC).
It’s really sad to hear that death is a chance worth taking to escape the war zones that many people call home.
When will the world know peace?