Today is May the 4th, Star Wars Day. I am a Star Wars Fan. I have been a Star Wars fan since...
As a thirty something I grew up with relative anonymity. Meaning that my teenage years were only documented on cheap disposable Kodak...
When the walk outs were happening earlier this month many people on social media were saying that these kids were “just following...
Living, kind of, near Washington D.C. we are already receiving the warning about how the metro will be packed and that traffic...
February 14, 2008 a gunman breeched Cole Hall on the campus of Northern Illinois University. Cole Hall was/is an auditorium style classroom....
As we all know, rather than dealing with his administration or helping the people in Florida, Texas, or Puerto Rico our president...
As someone who studied history I would like to be the first person to tell you that tearing down a statue cannot...
I live in Virginia, not close to Charlottesville. I am never going to pretend that I can see all sides of this...
Many of us are not happy with the House of Representatives right now after passing their new health care bill. Some are...
After the death of Antonin Scalia, a space was left open on the higest court of the land. The Republican controled Senate under...