In 1907, New York City experienced a typhoid outbreak that may have been caused by an asymptomatic carrier known by the moniker...
Martha Beall Mitchell, nicknamed the “Mouth of the South” was the wife of President Nixon’s Attorney Geneal, John N. Mitchell.. Washington D.C....
Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character. Margaret Chase Smith, The Journal of the National...
While we are all excited about the large number of women who have been elected into Congress. Seeing that only three Native...
There is a new record for women in Congress. This article is correct at the time of writing. 141 women will serve...
Kamala Harris will be Vice-President of the United States on January 20th and I am thrilled. I am not only thrilled because...
Yesterday enough votes came in and Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election by all of the major...
As Americans and those abroad are waiting anxiously to find out who will win the 2020 election it made me think about...
Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. While I am not surprised she was confirmed, I...
November 3rd is Election Day. And under most circumstances, we, or those who care to, would be glued to their news outlet...