November 3rd is Election Day. And under most circumstances, we, or those who care to, would be glued to their news outlet...
Now it comes, the winter of 2020. After a long hard ten or eleven months, times are very tough indeed. With the...
Labor leader Samuel Gompers was once asked, ‘What does labor want?’ He responded: “We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books...
Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has said that a nominee can’t answer about specific cases, but questions about judicial philosophy should...
On Thursday October 1st at 10:44 PM President Trump confirmed via twitter that his top aide Hope Hicks contracted COVID-19 and the...
Election Day is in thirty-two days, although many across the country are already voting. So why are Americans being subjected to old...
RBG passed away less than two weeks ago as I write this article. This woman was an icon and someone whom I...
After General Eisenhower won the presidential election in 1952, outgoing President Harry Truman said, “He’ll sit here, and he’ll say, ‘Do this!...
The process of replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court has already turned into a bitter partisan battle. The political...
You need people like me so you can point your f*****’ fingers and say, ‘That’s the bad guy.’ So…what that make you?...