The President has taken credit for having “…created perhaps the greatest economy in our country’s history”.No doubt the economy has been good...
If you have been a loyal reader of The Sexy Politico, you may have been able to conclude that I have more...
As we all know, rather than dealing with his administration or helping the people in Florida, Texas, or Puerto Rico our president...
Many of us are not happy with the House of Representatives right now after passing their new health care bill. Some are...
After the death of Antonin Scalia, a space was left open on the higest court of the land. The Republican controled Senate under...
Donald Trump was elected because many people saw him as a straight shooter. He told it like it is and did not...
Truth be told for many in the United States, the political climate has been toxic. Many believe that the politicians in Washington...
Donald Trump is a businessman and from all accounts not used to hearing wide-scale decent. This is an issue when you are...
The Trump presidency has not started slowly. Trump has spent the last ten days signing executive order after executive order, fulfilling his...
On Saturday morning my fiancee and I got into our car and drove to our nearest metro station. After we parked and...